Summer is quickly approaching. Do you know what that means? It means: Midriff. Ladies, if it’s above 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and you’re not showing midriff, I won’t necessarily be angry… I’ll just be disappointed. Here’s some quality tasteful midriff inspiration for ya.
But where to start? Well, how about some American flag jean shorts from Tipsy Elves? Patriotic. Flattering. Affordable. BOOM. Major midriff-enhancement key.
Wanna double down on the patriotism and offer yourself some optional midriff coverage? Of course you do. Try one of these american flag tank tops.
But hey, fellas, I’m not forgetting that SNEAKHYPE caters primarily (82% of visits) to 18-34 year-old males with at least some college education and a median income of $72K/year (yeah, I got them readership demographics on lock). I gotchu.
Step 1. Look important.
That means, all VIP everything. Going to the beach or pool? Make sure you post up super hard in the paint and let the Lookie-Lou’s know two things:
A) The bad chick with the midriff showin’..? Yup, she’s with you. AND,
B) No, you can’t sit with us.
Step 2. Sperrys bro.
Before you hate on some boat shoes from Sperry, try walking a mile in those shoes (PUN INTENDED YOU GUYS). Dress ’em up, dress ’em down. Either way, you’ll look like you know wtf you’re doing and that you prioritize practicality and comfort.
Everything about this:
Really just screams this:
Step 3. Get your denim game on point, son.
Quit fighting the feeling. Bro is out. Hipster is in. Hipster is the new bro. This means two things:
A) You’re allowed to cuff basically everything. Cuff your t-shirt sleeves, cuff your pants… hell, you can cuff your damn shorts these days and it’s still a kosher kuffing.
B) It’s more cool to spend less money on distressed denim than it is to buy the $200 thick-stitch rhinestone douchebag jeans.
Step 4. Make sure your accessory game is 100% Dopeness.
I know you’re really excited about your new vape, but some girl who “only smokes when she drinks” might need a light. You may also need to be the alpha who gets the fire pit goin’ on a summer night. In either instance, you’ll need the dopest lighter money can buy.
Step 5. Enjoy your summer and check SNEAKHYPE every day.