Kith just unveiled the lookbook for their upcoming capsule collection with Colette. The lookbook features well-known rapper, Fabolous. The collection features a number of co-branded apparel pieces, along with accessories by Beats by Dre, Stance Socks, and two new Puma shoes.
The Kith x Colette Collection will release throughout next week, starting with the Beats by Dre Pill+ and Powerbeats 2 dropping June 13th in-store at Colette and June 14th at Kith stores and The Ronnie Fieg x Colette x Puma RF-Blaze of Glory and Disc Blaze release in-store at Colette on June 15th and at Kith stores and on June 16th. Lastly, the Kith x Colette apparel and accessories will launch Friday, June 17th in-store at Colette then at Kith stores and on Saturday, June 18th.